Vinton G. Cerf on Artificial Intelligence and the future of the internet

Nobody can imagine a life without the internet and smartphones anymore. However, as our Tech Divide study has proven, especially Europeans have an increasing technophobia when it comes to future technologies. Specifically, the deployment and development of Artificial Intelligence has raised many questions and concerns. The Artificial Intelligence revolution is part of the computer revolution. This is why we are very honored to discuss some of these unresolved concerns and questions with Vinton G. Cerf, who is considered one of the “Fathers of the Internet”.

Vinton G. Cerf
Computer scientist Vinton G. Cerf (Foto: Getty Images/David S. Holloway)

On 27 November 2019 the fifth edition of our discussion series “AI&I” will take place at Soho House in Berlin starting at 7 pm.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Görlach will talk to Vinton G. Cerf about the responsibilities of corporations using AI and designing software, about the effects on jobs and about his vision of the future of the internet.

The Vodafone Institute launched the “AI&I” series of events in Berlin in 2018 to create a platform for a constructive, interdisciplinary dialogue on the effects of artificial intelligence on our society and economy. To stimulate a diverse debate and inform decision-makers, we have already discussed with renowned researchers such as Pascal Finette, Luciano Floridi, Nuria Oliver, Sir Martin Rees, and Sir Nigel Shadbolt.

The event will be broadcasted live.

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