“We will not run out of jobs but maybe out of skills!”

Over 30 years ago, Vinton G. Cerf created the foundation for the web with the TCP/IP Protocol. Today he is known as one of the “fathers of the internet” and is Google’s current Vice President and Chief Evangelist. Cerf shared his visions on the future of the internet and the implications of new AI technologies at the fifth “AI&I” event series in Berlin.

The Vodafone Institute launched the “AI&I” series of events in Berlin in 2018 to create a platform for a constructive, interdisciplinary dialogue on the effects of artificial intelligence on our society and economy. In its fifth edition, Cerf recalled his own experiences from the implementation of the TCP/IP Protocol to the launch of the first smartphones in 2007 to new developments in AI technologies.

Vint Cerf, Alexander Görlach (photo: Philip Külker/Vodafone Institute)
Vint Cerf, Alexander Görlach (photo: Philip Külker/Vodafone Institute)

In his discussion with Professor Alexander Görlach, Cerf touched on the European fatigue towards technology: “Historically a lot of Europe has been very reluctant to take risks”. His advice is to start young and make children feel confident to try out new technologies without the fear of punishment. As life spans are getting longer and digital inventions are happening faster, today’s children are likely to experience a technological revolution every decade or so, predicts Cerf.

Future societies will be driven by the need and longing to try new things. Concerning new AI-driven technologies that will change our work environment, Cerf is sure that “we will not run out of jobs, I’m only worried that we will run out of skills”. Discussing with experts from politics, business, and science, the internet pioneer points out that new AI-technology should always be used to empower people and make their lives easier. “As technologists, we should be thoughtful about the technological infrastructure we are offering to people: It needs to be resilient, safe, and secure and protect people’s privacy”, concludes Cerf.

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